Saturday, September 14, 2013

Greetings from the WV Hills

I have never done any sort of blogging before, so this is a new experience for me.  I'm not a huge technology fan, but blogging is said to be good for the writer's soul, and a writer I am.  There are plenty of things going on in my life right now that I could write about-- namely that in less than three months, I will be a college graduate.  That means that in less than three months the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  will need to be answered. 

So far, the answer remains, "I have no freaking idea."

What I do know is that I have a plethora of decisions to make in the next three months, and the anxiety I feel from the weight of these decisions is not unique.  New graduates all over the United States are experiencing the exact same things I am-- I'm not alone, and this blog is primarily going to be my outlet for that anxiety.  I hope that my rants, raves, inspirational quotes (there are bound to be a ton of them if only because of the sheer number of literature classes I'm enrolled in this final semester), panic attacks, and other anecdotes can help some of you just like me.

So, to close this greeting, I will leave you with a picture (Facebook quality, I apologize) of the title of my blog:  A Girl, her Horse, and her Cat.  In the turbulence of these last three months, these two wonderful animals are my cornerstone. Ginny, my cat who is much larger now than she was in this picture, and Kit, my lovely buckskin pony, are always there for me emanating a love that only animals can give.


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